We Have an Awesome New Machine!
December 1, 2015
Our office now offers the latest technology for a more comprehensive way of viewing the inside of your eyes… and in many cases, YOU MAY NOT NEED DILATING DROPS!
The Optomap was developed by Douglas Anderson whose son lost sight in one eye at the age of 5, due to an undetected retinal detachment. He set out to develop a system that could capture an ultra-widefield view of the retina in a fast and comfortable way.
Unfortunately, many eye conditions can happen at any age and occur without symptoms. The Optomap is invaluable in documenting how your entire retina looks, so we may watch closely for changes. It provides a quick digital scan to detect defects like RETINAL HOLES/TEARS, and to monitor eye diseases such as GLAUCOMA, DIABETIC RETINOPATHY, MACULAR DEGENERATION, and even POTENTIAL CANCERS. Fortunately, many retinal conditions can be treated successfully if caught early.
Optomap is highly recommended for all ages. The fee for this imaging is ONLY $30, and is typically not covered by insurance. Please talk with the doctor for more information.